Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Broke my ankle on May 28.
X-rays showed break on 30th. Fits and starts breaking in to medical response.
June 8 surgery to reduce fracture.
Recovery is scheduled to take 6 weeks ( til July 20 :-( ) with insurance covered visits til Sept 6.
June 22 into a hard cast. Generally comfortable but still annoying.
July 6 into a "walking" cast but there is redness and sore region around incision.
Will take another week of "no weight bearing" plus a round of antibiotics.

I am weary of doing almost nothing physical.
I miss sweating.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Watched Olympic ski trials and then caught "Sky Captain and the world of Tomorrow" on TV. Crappy story line but absolutly great "retro" look and feel. PLUS 'Captain' flies a Curtis P40 that can also 'fly' underwater, has a morse code key, AND has room for Gwyneth Paltrow in the tandem backseat. What ever happened to really bright red lipstick?

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Year

SMS donations are easy. I hope they get to the targets soon.
Haiti images are heart rending.
David Brooks makes the point that earthquake 7.0 in California killed under 100 people while the level 7.0 in Haiti may have killed as many as 30-100,000. Why?
No building code?
Poverty seems pernicious in Haiti. There have been decades of aid. Dominican Republic must have had a similarly crappy colonial period and then dictators yet they have bounced back some.
How come?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Dec 2009 #1

I'm in NW Oklahoma this Christmas Eve.
The temperature is in the 20s F. The wind is gusting to the 50s.
This is north of the major snow event in the central part of the
state. They will get serious snow in OKC (~1 foot) plus drifting.
In Alva, the snow is just covering the grass but not completely.
The wind is quite audible so I am playing the TV.

Onyx's birthday was yesterday. He was one. For his birthday
we saw three white-tail deer in the canyon where I played growing up.
Today we saw his first snow. He looked. He tasted. Then he ran around and played.
I will dress up for Winter after lunch and we will head out for some winter.

The animal sign in the canyon in those days was cow pies. The pond is drained and the brush and cover has grown up. There is water down there and its good deer habitat down there.

Winter in OK is brown. Its not like I had forgotten but after 20+ years in SC where there is still a lot of green; in OK the cedars are green and that's about it.

Visited my mother in the nursing home yesterday and again today.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

4.90 inches of rain

Yesterday, the misty morning became a rainy one just past 7am. By about 9am we 0.3 inches.

Leaving work I walked around the various hospital complexes from high spot to high spot until I made it back to the parking garage. 15 minute walk had stretched to about 25. I avoided deep water
on the roads and had a fairly normal drive home. Coleman Blvd was flooded. and reduced to two lanes.

By supper's end it the rain was tapering off.

Went dancing. Band, Sullivan's Folly (Raffield boys Andre and Taylor) plus June and later Sytske, sounded great. Too few dancers for that quality of band but the dancing was fun for allI think.

The pond was up past its pool level. Not quite as high as after a hurricane but getting close.

This morning, the pond is down several inches and is approaching its pool-contour.